The biggest concern for almost all IELTS test takers is managing time in the Reading section. The IELTS modules has three passages and test takers should answer 40 questions within 60 minutes. Aspirants should utilize those crucial 60 minutes in reading and answering all questions.
Tip 1 – Scan through the questions first
Before you start reading full length passages, make it a point to scan through the questions first. By doing this, you will save time as you will know where to spend more time to find your answers. However, do read the parts well which would answer the questions.
Tip 2 – Go through the introduction and conclusion first and body of the passage at last
Once you are done with reviewing the questions, directly go to get the gist given in the introduction and conclusion part of the passage and keep the body of the passage after the two parts. By reading the first and the last part, you will almost get all required information. You may not even require to read the body to answer your questions. This will save your time and efforts.
Tip 3 – Don’t read every word and sentence
If you think you will read every word and sentence of the passage to understand the message well, you may be doing a huge mistake. Skimming the text of a passage is enough to get the necessary idea. Look for the main points and sentences where you can find answers to your questions.
Tip 4 – Underline main points
When you go through a passage, you will come across important facts, name, place or any other details, please underline those as you might need them later. Marking important points and name can help you save time while answering your questions.
Tip 5 – Answer each question within 60 seconds
Managing time efficiently is important for getting a better score in the IELTS Reading Test. Answering 30 out of 40 questions will help a test taker get a Band Score of 7 which is a good score. The important point is all the questions has to be answered, so test takers has to answer each of the questions in 1 minute. Also aspirants should make sure that they don’t waste too much time in a single tough question.
Following the above tips would help you to score more in the IELTS Reading Test. However, getting a higher Band Score will largely depend on how strong a test takers’ word power and overall better understanding and awareness of various topics including Nature, History, Literature and Science.
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