Useful Tips to help your Child concentrate on Studies!

Developing a deep concentration level is a challenge only a few can master successfully. You require concentration skills in order to succeed in every aspect of life. The same applies to your children too! They also need to develop strong concentration power in order to attain good grades and excel in studies.

Tips to concentrate on studies

Improving the concentration levels of your child is a challenge and you need to help the child have better concentration levels. Here is how, you can do so as to help your child progress personally and academically.

1. Doing one thing at a time!

Multitasking is a key skill for success but you need to give the child a break before he or she becomes perfect in the same. Develop the instinct of doing one thing at a time from an early age, so that the child is able to develop concentration power. Children at times suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and you can help the child recover from same by guiding him or her to complete one task successfully before taking up some other work.

2. Slowing down!

At times children rush through their homework. You need to guide the child to spend substantial time in solving a maths problem before switching over to the next problem. This will help the child understand the basics of the topic and develop a better concentration power. On the other hand, if you feel that your child is taking too long in completing a history assignment, you can ask the child to solve some maths problem in between so as to refresh the child. This also improves the concentration levels as spending much time on one topic also creates problems.

3. Stop the mind from wandering!

You do not need to be a psychologist to understand the mind of your child. If you spend substantial time with him/her, you will be in a better position to understand, if and when the child’s mind wanders away from studies. In such a situation, you can encourage the child to take a small break. This will help the child refresh and concentrate on the studies in a focused manner.

4. Writing down the main ideas!

The child should be encouraged to make notes. This not only develops a better understanding of the subject but also improves the concentration level of the child. You will notice that as your child starts making notes of what all he or she studies, the child will remember the facts more than before.

5. Take regular breaks!

Doing a task for longer duration creates a lethargic feeling and the same applies to studies. You should encourage the child to take regular breaks whenever the child is studying. A few motivational words from your side will lift the spirits of the child and he or she will be able to concentrate in a focused manner on the subject they are studying. Better if you take the child along on a walk after the child has completed the homework as this will encourage the child to complete the task on time.

6. Reward your child occasionally!

Rewards act as strong motivation for the child. You can take the child out for a treat once a month whenever they complete a major assignment successfully. This will act as a strong motivator for the child and they will be encouraged to perform at par every time. Giving the child an incentive is a key way of helping him or her improve the concentration levels and they will work earnestly to accomplish the task.

7. Keep away from distracting thoughts!

Young minds wander away at a more rapid pace as compared to older people. This applies to your children also. You might have noticed that while completing any assignment, the child gets distracted and finds excuses to take time in completing the same. This condition arises due to distracting thoughts which come in the mind of your child.

To tide over this problem, you can ask the child to jot down all the distracting thoughts on a paper. Encourage the child to note down the distracting thoughts at a specific time of the day and not during the hours when the child is studying. You will notice that slowly the distraction levels will decrease and the child will focus on studies in a more concentrated manner.

8. Applying what they learn!

This is one of the best ways to help the child develop better concentration power. Besides learning the subject facts, the child should be encouraged to relate the same, practically. If the child is learning the area of a triangle, you can encourage the child to measure a triangular object in the house and find out the area in a more practical manner. This way the child will develop better learning and concentrating skills.

The above listed facts are some of the important tips which will help the child develop better concentration skills. Follow these in true earnest and watch your child develop his or her concentration power.

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3 Responses to Useful Tips to help your Child concentrate on Studies!

  1. Amit Goel says:
    My Child Sun Work Are Not Done & Home Work Are Incomplet Plz Help Me
  2. Sophia says:
    hi, My Child is to naughty he dose not like to study but after reading your post i think i should use #7 tips to consecrate on studies.

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