We all know that communication plays an important role in everyone’s life but what about the English language? Learning English language is needed to each one of us because it is now an official language of 53 countries. Not only that, this dialect is an official language for more than 350 million people worldwide. Truth be told, with the help of this language, people across the world are communicating successfully. Keeping in mind the end goal, it is essential for us to learn English Language to communicate effectively (especially with people whom we share different mother tongue) and to unite with people. Below are the points on importance of learning English language.
Universal Language: Do you believe that almost 750 million people across the globe speak English! Specifically, almost 400 million people speak English as a first language whilst approx. 350 million speaks as a second language worldwide.
Bridge Language: English is spoken worldwide and it is known as the world’s bridge language, making it a bridge that helps reduce the communication gap. The human race is diverse, India itself has over 1652 languages and it is impossible for us to learn all these languages. Thus, to save all the misunderstandings and communication gap, it is important to learn English language.
Everything is in English: English is the language of almost everyone and everything today. Have you ever thought that almost 55 percent of the world’s pages; the WWW are composed in English? In fact, the dialect of media, science, computer and even the lingo of the world greatest literature is English.
Business Language: In this fast patching competitive era, business, trade, and economy have become an integral part of the human race and to join them learning English is essential because it is the global dialect of business. Today, English language has also gained importance as there is no spot for miscommunication or communication gap in the corporate world.
English Boost Confidence: Confidence is the key to every success, without it, nothing can be achieved. For example: be it in an interview or test, a person who does not speak English with confidence has less chance towards success. With English termed as the common language it is very important to be confident about every aspect of English, be it pronunciation, sentence forming or vocabulary etc. Honestly, living in a society we need to ace this dialect as a person with rich vocabulary is generally confidence about what they speaks and about themselves.