Overcome common obstacles to crack GMAT

A popular exam for MBA aspirants, GMAT is written by candidates all over the globe, has many aspects to preparation. Anyone interested in acing GMAT should firstly understand what the exam tests in a candidate and what it does not. GMAT tests the quantitative, reasoning ability and analytical and verbal prowess of every person aspiring to join a leading business program. Once the details of what GMAT tests is clear, candidates should venture deeper to explore what the obstacles could broadly be. Here are some guidelines to where you may face problems in GMAT.


Which method to Apply:  During your preparation, there are many short cuts and tricks which can be applied for a single question. This variety can cause major confusion during the exam day. The candidate should not only learn the various methods but should learn how to readily decide which method to use when. Indecisiveness can be a cause of panic and over consumption of time.

Wasting time on a question: Many of the tougher GMAT quantitative questions test multiple math areas within one question. Sometimes tackling them all takes time. The word problems are also lengthy to read. Practice well to not spend extra time on any question. Also, learn to identify keywords which indicate the areas of the math problems.

Interpreting the question correctly:  All test takers may find a couple of questions extremely complicated to attempt. Sometimes they are worded in an indirect manner. Expose yourself to how some questions are worded to identify the core logic. This can help the candidate approach a question reasonably by breaking it down to simple core concepts. If that does not help then make a calculated guess of the answer option and move to the next question.

Choosing between similar answer options:  Some of the answer options may be very similar and misleading, especially in the quantitative ability and reasoning sections. It is necessary that the candidate learns to understand the question to be able to eliminate the answer options in an informed manner. Candidate should also be able to quickly identify which question needs guessing.

Tricky verbal section: The passages in Verbal section are not very direct in presenting their main idea. The GMAT comprehension is subtle. The candidate has to be very careful in concluding the writer’s intention or point of view. This makes a big difference in answering the questions in the verbal section.

Being strong in GMAT grammar for sentence correction is crucial. But concentrating on the phrasing of the sentences is also vital. GMAT calls it Rhetorical Construction. So the candidate has to make sure that the answer option is absolutely clear and direct and conveys the meaning in a grammatically right phrasing. This part can be very tricky.

All about endurance: More than the aptitude, GMAT is about surviving the exam through the given time. It can be very tiring mentally and physically to solve each section. To successfully complete the test prepare well in advance by taking complete mock tests. Do take the breaks provided in between to refresh your concentrating abilities.

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