Category Archives: Schooling Options

An Inevitable Clash – Why Home Schools Score Over A Pre-School

The concept of a pre-school is quite new and most people from the older generations would not have had the experience of attending a pre- school. Home schools are an ideal way for parents to interact with their children and … Continue reading

Posted in Pre-school v/s Home Schooling

The Flip Side – How A Pre-School Can Help Your Child

The argument about home schools and pre-schools has been around for a long time and there are several arguments from both sides. Both home schools as well as pre-schools have their own merits and de-merits and this article will outline … Continue reading

Posted in Pre-school v/s Home Schooling

Five Things To Know About Playschool Admissions

Parents have to consider a lot of aspects before admitting their children in a playschool. Playschools are the first step that children will be taking in their academic life and they play an important role in shaping the child’s future. … Continue reading

Posted in Playschool

What Studies Show – How Play Schools Aid In Brain Growth And Development

Playschools perform several important functions and they aid in the overall development of children to a large extent. Studies have shown there is a significant difference in terms of physical and mental development between children who have attended playschool and … Continue reading

Posted in Playschool

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Pre-School

Choosing a good pre-school sounds like an easy task, however when it comes down to the actual decision making, it can be quite tricky. In recent times numerous plays schools and pre-schools have opened up making the choice much more … Continue reading

Posted in Playschool

The Drawbacks of Schooling Your Kid A Year Too Late — Playschool Facets

Are you wondering whether holding back your children for a year can help? This is a question that many parents are asking themselves and there are many theories regarding this. Some studies have shown that holding back children from entering … Continue reading

Posted in Playschool

Five Steps You Can Follow To Get Your Kids To Enjoy Playschool

The period when children leave home for the first time can be a harrowing experience for both children and parents. Young children who are used to a specific home routine will definitely find it difficult to leave the comforts of … Continue reading

Posted in Playschool

Pre-School Law #1 — How Soon Is Too Soon?

There are several theories that suggest different ages for pre-schools and parents are often perplexed by many conflicting answers. Pre-school programs are generally for children who are below the age of kindergarten and there is no specific time line that … Continue reading

Posted in Playschool

Play Schools in India

India is a land where family bonding is quite strong and a child begins his first years of education perpetually from home. Why? Because it is believed what parents and grand-parents can teach, none else can. But with time, this … Continue reading

Posted in Playschool, School Education

Sending Your Children To Playschool — When Should You Take The Step?

Sending children to playschools can be a difficult and arduous task for any parent and there are several aspects that have to be considered before one decides to take such a step. Parents are always in a dilemma about playschools … Continue reading

Posted in Playschool