We all know doing regular exercise is good for health. But do we know in what ways exercise can impact our body and mind when done on a regular basis. Making exercise a part of our life, does a lot of good things to our general health and mood. Following are the top 5 benefits of doing regular exercise:
1. Exercise Uplift Mood: We live in a world where we are prone to anxiety and stress which affects our moods. Exercise helps us to deal with mood swings, fight against depression and brings in positive energy. What happens when we do exercise? We produce a chemical called ‘Endorphins’ which interacts with the receptors in our brain and help us reduce the ‘pain perception’. This enables us to stay relaxed and handle stress well, thus uplifting our moods.
2. Controls Weight: It’s not a secret, we all are aware of the fact that physical activities and exercising help us keep a healthy weight. Doing 30 minutes exercise four to five days a week helps us maintain a healthy weight. If exercise looks tough take a 45 minute brisk walk every day. In addition, one must keep an eye on the calories intake along with eating low-fat diet. Taking a proper and nutrition rich diet is essential.
3. Prevents Heart Diseases: A simple lifestyle change like including an exercise regime everyday can keep cardiovascular disease at bay. Exercise strengthens heart muscles, lowers bad cholesterol, raises HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein), improves blood flow and increase pumping capacity of our heart. Making exercise a regular habit helps improve our quality of life and keep our heart healthy for a longer time.
4. Boosts Energy: Research has found that people who are involved in physical activities or does regular exercises tend to be more energetic. Doing exercises help improves muscles strength and reduce fatigue. Exercises delivers oxygen and nutrients to our body, which help increase energy and gives us the ability to do more work.
5. Promotes Sound Sleep: Find it hard to sleep well? Studies have found that people who does a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise a week feels more alert during the day and improves sleep quality. People who does vigorous exercise tends to get sound sleep in compared to moderate or light-exercisers. So doing some sort of physical activities or exercises is a must if you want to sleep well.
Staying fit is essential in order to face life challenges and stay ahead in life’s competition. If you are very serious about keeping yourself fit and healthy, waste no time and find the best physical trainers on ThinkVidya.com. You can also post your queries on health and fitness here.