8 Powerful Limb of Ashtanga Yoga

Based on the ancient yoga teaching style, the Ashtanga yoga is known for its dynamic methods of breathing technique, body posture and much more which helps in mental, emotional, physical and intellectual balance. This form of yoga is practices all over the world due to its numerous beneficial facts like reducing tension, stress, promotes self-realization and self-awareness.


Regular practices of Ashtanga yoga also strengthen muscles, joints etc, purifies internal organs to tackles diseases and improves the overall lifestyle. This form of yoga is not just known for increasing flexibility and stability of the body but also help in spiritual growth. On the other hand, Ashtanga yoga is likewise known for practicing 8 powerful limbs- Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. That’s the reason why the Ashtanga Yoga is called eightfold path. To know more, explore the 8 powerful Limb of Ashtanga Yoga.

Yama: The first limb of Ashtanga yoga focuses on moral discipline. With the help of its moral code, this yoga helps a practitioner to release stress and other negativity force from the body. Simply, this powerful limb is again divided into 5 aspects precisely, Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Bramacharya and Aparigraha.

Niyama: This limb help practitioners to self-purify as Niyama deals with personal development with an end goal to build good character. Always remember, good character is a unique personality that helps an individual to stand out from the crowd. The second limb, Niyama also divided into 5 aspects – Aucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya and Ishvara Pranidhana.

Asana: The third limb, Asana is all about yoga postures. Ashtanga yoga and its unique asana’s such as Samasthiti (Standing Poses), Dandasana ( Sitting Poses), Salamba Sarvangasana, Surya Namaskara and much more helps build up body disciples and numerous more.

Pranayama: We all know the forth limb – Pranayama is a breathing technique. With the help of this limb, a practitioner can make their respiratory system and immune system strong. Not only that, it also helps reduce stress and other related psychological issues.

Pratyahara: Derived form the Sanskrit word “Prati” means “against” and “ahara” simply means “food”. The fifth limb of Ashtanga Yoga is more into inner growth and overall self-awareness, which helps in withdrawal of unwanted habits etc.

Dharana: The sixth limb of Ashtanga Yoga refers to concentration. This limb is known as the initial step of deep concentrative meditation. The limb further focuses on single-pointed concentration.

Dhyana: This deep meditation stage is Dhyana. Simply, this limb is about an uninterrupted flow of concentration (involved deep concentration with an intend to discover the truth). Therefore, this limb is also known as a penultimate stage of yoga.

Samadhi: The eighth limb of Ashtanga yoga, Samadhi is a phase where the practitioner acknowledge the unbreakable relationship between the god and the living things in the earth. This limb is all about complete self-realization and self together as it embraces and glorifies all the values or characteristics of the self.

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