5 Tips for More Effective and Faster Learning

Today we bring you 5 tips that can increase the speed at which you learn and also learn more effectively.

We all know what it means to learn faster. But what do we mean by more effective learning? It means that we not only learn the facts or methods, but also concepts. It also means that if we were to try learning another similar skill, we would learn that even faster. For example, if you learnt a new language effectively in time X, it would take you even lesser time than X to learn another new language.

So how do we learn faster and more effectively? Here are 5 ways for you to help you learn more effectively.

  1. Understand the concepts– For example, cramming a maths formula for exams may take less time than understanding how it is derived. However, if you understand how it was derived, you will be able to understand its various other applications and perform better in exams (especially competitive ones!) where the questions may not be same as those in the book.
  2. Create a Learning Structure: Just like a book has chapters, sections, sub-sections and then exercises, your learning plan should also have a structure with learning outcomes. Define your learning outcomes either on your own or with help from someone and work towards achieving those. For example, learning outcomes for a beginner swimming course could be learning how to float, free-style swimming and completing 2 laps of the pool.
  3. The Rule of a “5-year old”: Did you know most successful people follow this 5-year old rule to test their learning? The rule says that try explaining the concept you have learnt (See Point 1) to a 5 year old. If the kid doesn’t understand it, simplify the language and concept to the point that the kid is able to grasp the concept. If you want a simpler task, then just teach that concept to another person (who doesn’t already understand it!). That should work too.
  4. Make Associations, Visualizations & Connections: This is a very effective technique for learning. Mind-maps, drawing relationships between different concepts under a topic and relating things to examples from your daily life speeds up your understanding. This also improves your analytical ability. This skill to make associations itself takes some time to master- so keep working at and read more resources on how to develop it. For example, in the quote below- “fish” is similar to a “fact. “How to fish” is similar a “concept”. And making this association or analogy, is “effective learning” 🙂
    Effective Learning- Learning to Fish!

    Effective Learning- Learning to Fish!

  5. Focus:Eliminate distractions when you are learning something. To learn anything effectively, it is of utmost importance to focus your complete attention to it. Get off Facebook, e-mail, switch off your phone, complete any critical or urgent tasks that may be worry you while you study/train. Start your learning session with a 5 minute meditation session and get up every 20 minutes to stretch, drink water or eat a fruit. But resist the urge to check your e-mail or Facebook.
  6. Bonus Tip: Finally, don’t be afraid of making mistakes!

These are our tips to help you learn more in less time. Let us know your in the comments below- if you liked them or if you have any of your own!

You could also let us know any topics you would want us to write about in our next post.

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